Tags: linux* + microsoft* + windows*

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    Tags: , , , par frenchhope (2013-03-28)
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    Tags: , , , , par frenchhope (2013-03-26)
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    Tags: , , , par frenchhope (2013-03-13)
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    Tags: , , , par frenchhope (2013-02-06)
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  7. On closed versus open platforms

    “In order for innovation to happen, a bunch of things that aren’t happening on closed platforms need to occur. Valve wouldn’t exist today without the PC, or Epic, or Zynga, or Google. They all wouldn’t have existed without the openness of the platform. There’s a strong tempation to close the platform, because they look at what they can accomplish when they limit the competitors’ access to the platform, and they say ‘That’s really exciting.’”

    “We are looking at the platform and saying, ‘We’ve been a free rider, and we’ve been able to benefit from everything that went into PCs and the Internet, and we have to continue to figure out how there will be open platforms.’”
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  8. Intéressant, les journalistes de la version australienne du site ZDNet ont fait une petite caméra cachée dans les rues commerçantes de Sidney en présentant une plate-forme Linux (Kubuntu sous KDE 4 pour être précis) comme étant la future version de Windows.

    Les passants, un peu pris au dépourvu il est vrai, ont l’air très positifs comme le montre la vidéo…
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