Tags: univers parrallèles* + physique* + physique quantique*

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  3. Je cite: "We consider a thought experiment with a massive body in a spatial superposition and show how it leads to entanglement of temporal orders between time-like events" ou encore "This work provides the first direct analysis of quantum causal relations arising from a spatial superposition of a massive object. We show how the temporal order between time-like events can become superposed or even entangled", vous voyez donc qu'il s'agit de montrer que les propriétés non causales essentielles de la MQ s'étendent à l'échelle macroscopique, ce qui est aussi ma thèse, car la flexibilité de l'espace-temps autrement dit la possibilité de commuter des lignes temporelles est inextricablement liée à l'intrication (entanglement).
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  6. "All-Possible-Worlds" est une nouvelle interprétation de la physique quantique, qui résulte d'une reformulation unifiée de Many-Worlds et de Copenhague ("collapse") à la lumière de la contextualité quantique, et propose la "non-localité à la détection" comme principe régissant l'ensemble du domaine quantique, y compris les expériences de qubit et de qutrit.
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  8. In particular, if you think that “quantum theory is incomplete because we haven’t succeeded in quantizing gravity yet,” then think again! Near the end of his final chapter 8.4 (“Understanding quantum mechanics: an unfinished story”), Bricmont points out: “A genuine merging of quantum mechanics and not only general, but even already special » relativity is still an open problem, and might be called the great unrecognized frontier of physics.”

    I wish this book had been around already when I was a student. It is a must read for anyone who seriously cares about understanding what our “most fundamental scientific theories” say about the physical world.
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