Tags: capitalisme*

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  3. THERE is an ongoing debate in this country about the rich: who they are, what their social role may be, whether they are good or bad. Well, consider the following. A recent study found that 10 percent of people who work on Wall Street are “clinical psychopaths,” exhibiting a lack of interest in and empathy for others and an “unparalleled capacity for lying, fabrication, and manipulation.” (The proportion at large is 1 percent.) Another study concluded that the rich are more likely to lie, cheat and break the law
    Tags: , , par frenchhope (2012-05-16)
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  5. 20 % de la population consomme 86% des ressources naturelles, dont la moitié a déjà disparu en un siècle (il faudra beaucoup moins de temps pour épuiser le reste). Non content de piller le bien commun, notre modèle économique fondé sur le développement exponentiel, détruit inexorablement la nature, p...
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