frenchhope: femme* + psychologie*

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  6. La pratique intensive du sport active, au niveau du cerveau, des sensations de bien-être, ainsi que des effets antalgiques (antidouleurs) et anxiolytiques (anti-anxiété) notoires. On observe notamment la sécrétion d’endorphines, des molécules naturelles qui déclenchent une sorte d’ivresse du coureur nommée runner high. Le running est en effet l’un des sports qui favorise le plus la libération de cette hormone. On retrouve aussi et surtout une activation du circuit cérébral de la récompense qui conduit à la libération d’un neurotransmetteur, la dopamine, dans le noyau accumbens. Cette substance, responsable de la sensation de plaisir, provoque le besoin de réitérer les sensations de plaisir jusqu’à engendrer, chez certains sportifs, une perte de contrôle, qui les pousse à aller de plus en plus loin, malgré la douleur physique ou les blessures.
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  7. when you look at the specific facets of each of these broad factors, you realize that there are some traits that males score higher on (on average), and some traits that females score higher on (on average), so the differences cancel each other out

    No matter what the science says, if an individual shows the interest and ability to enter a field in which their sex is extremely underrepresented (e.g., women in math and science, men in nursing and education), we should absolutely be encouraging that individual to enter the field and do everything we can to help them feel a sense of belonging

    They rightly point out that people unfortunately tend to unthinkingly ascribe the mere existence of sex differences to "immutable biological factors", an assumption that does not automatically follow from the data. Not only that, but it's true that there is very little biologically that's "immutable" other than the genetic sequence, a fact that is widely known among all of the psychologists that I know.
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